
Our Story

Since 2016 upon learning that I was diabetic, I began my journey preparing and drinking coffee every morning. From a simple cup of Keurig coffee, to a chemex pour over, I have been learning how specialized and nuanced the art of coffee preparation and roasting has been. I drink the same coffee I roast, and I know my products quality will shine as your prepare your first batch of Tiny Paws Coffee.

“All endeavors are art, when rendered with conviction.”

Roasting Coffee

The COVID-19 epidemic changed the way everyone worked, lived and essentially stayed sane at home. No longer able to enjoy pour overs in the morning with my coworkers, I began to enter the rabbit hole of home roasting. Starting on a popcorn popper, I began to buy green coffee from Sweet Maris out of Oakland. After the first rounds of roasting, I was addicted. I was fortunate to elevate my coffee roasting hobby with a larger roaster with more horsepower and capacity.


“Our culture runs on coffee and gasoline, the first often tasting like the second.”

Edward Abbey

Tiny Paws

The “Tiny Paws” idea was the result of the wild and cheeky antics of Stella and Whiskey. Dogs are the most amazing creatures that I have had the pleasure of having in my life. Whiskey and Stella are small in stature and naturally have tiny paws. Thank you for checking us out and we hope you get to enjoy a fine cup of coffee, cheers.

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